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Archive for March, 2008

Interactions that Empower Others

Posted by Herman Najoli on March 28, 2008

When you are living an epic life, every interaction in the flow of life should be an empowering opportunity. Here are some thoughts on how to make that happen: 

1. Be more focused on other people rather yourself

The idea of being a ‘people person’ has been around for a long time. Dale Carnegie’s 1936 masterpiece, ‘How to Win Friends and influence People’, has helped so many people over the years to develop a people-centered perspective that has enabled them to empower others positively. I would highly suggest a reading of the book. 

2. Ask how you can help rather than what others can do for you.

President John F. Kennedy immediately became a world figure with his acceptance speech in which he said, ” And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you -ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” In order to empower others you must ascend in thought to where you are asking what you can do for others rather than what they can do for you. 

3. Be a giver more than a receiver

Nothing empowers people more than the spirit of giving. When you give of yourself to others you become a part of the solution. It’s solution-centered thinking that sets the pace for the kind of legacy a person will leave behind. Again, when one is not living an epic life, the pre-dominant question is “What can I get (or receive) from this person?” When one is in the flow of an epic life, the pre-dominant question is “What can I give that will help others?” Which group are you in?

4. Be a leader more than a follower

Leaders impact and influence other people greatly. The great thing about being a leader is that you are able to empower people to be organized and do something positive. What a beauty! Leaders pass along the best in themselves to other people. I’m always pleased when I hear from people I led in high school and at the university. They always say things like, “Herman, that idea was awesome. It took our group to a whole new level.” While those short-term moves were great for whichever group I led, the best thing is that they felt empowered.

Are your interactions empowering others?

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